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Why Is My AC System in Shorter, AL, Tripping the Breaker?

AC System Tripping Circuit Breaker

You rely on your air conditioner to keep you cool during the hot Alabama summers. But the AC system can’t do that if it’s always tripping the breaker. Here are five possible reasons the AC system in your Shorter, AL, home is tripping the breaker:

Air Filter Is Dirty

One of the most common reasons for an AC system to trip a circuit breaker is a dirty filter. When the filter has too much dust and debris, it blocks the airflow. And the airflow problem can cause the AC system to work even harder to cool your home.

When an air conditioner has to work harder than normal, the strain can cause it to overheat. And when an AC system overheats, it might trip the breaker as a safety precaution.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is what cools the air in your AC system. If the refrigerant level is low, the air conditioner has to work harder to reach the desired temperature.

The extra effort can cause the compressor to overheat, which can in turn trip the circuit breaker. Regular HVAC maintenance is one way to make sure your air conditioner always has enough refrigerant.

Faulty Capacitor

The capacitor is a small part that starts the AC compressor. If the capacitor is faulty or weak, the compressor might have a problem starting. This can cause the AC compressor to use too much energy, which can result in tripping the breaker.

AC System Is Working Too Hard

An AC system that’s too small for your home or operates in extreme heat for long periods will work harder than usual. This puts extra strain on the air conditioner, leading to overheating. The extra strain will also trip the circuit breaker.

It’s always a cause for concern when your AC system keeps tripping the circuit breaker. Contact Air Conditioning by Luquire today to discover the cause of and fix your air conditioner problems.

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