4 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool for Less This Spring

Woman Feels Cool

There are a few simple ways to keep your home cool this spring while also saving money on your energy bills. Some tasks you can do yourself, while others you should leave to a professional. Here are four ways to make sure you stay cool in your home Prattville, AL, home this spring and summer:

Plant Well-Positioned Trees

Shade trees are a great way to keep your home cool. They block the sun, saving your home’s HVAC system from having to work overtime to cool your place. Homeowners can save anywhere from 20 to 40 percent on their energy bills by simply planting shade trees so the sun doesn’t beat down on their homes in the late morning and afternoon.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance Every Year

A well-maintained residential HVAC system will last far longer than one that has been neglected. It will operate much more efficiently, which saves you money. In addition, maintenance can ensure that your HVAC unit is properly removing moisture from the air so that you can feel more comfortable.

Use a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat learns the routines of your home, such as when people are gone for the day or when they go to sleep. It uses this information to make your home the most comfortable only when people are home. A smart thermostat also helps you become more energy efficient.

Seal Your Ducts

About 30 percent of the average home’s conditioned air is lost in the ductwork in the crawl space or attic. You should inspect your ducts at least once a year, looking for holes and sections that have become misaligned. Contact a professional to seal these spots for you.

Air Conditioning by Luquire is ready to help you become more energy efficient. If you’re ready to save money on your energy bills, schedule an appointment for our HVAC services today.

Image provided by iStock

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