Prep Your AC for Summer Vacation

A trip to the beach, mountains or another favorite destination is the highlight of the summer for many families. To make the trip a success, most people pack their bags carefully, make arrangements for someone to collect the mail and care for the yard. Another must-do activity is to prep the AC for your summer vacation. Taking a few moments to get the air conditioner ready for your absence could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in unexpected repair bills.

Servicing the Air Conditioner

Before leaving on vacation, a little bit of air conditioner maintenance will go a long way in protecting the system. A few activities to help ensure a healthy air conditioner include:

  • Cleaning or replacing the air filter before going on vacation.
  • Clearing away debris from around the outdoor condenser unit. Mow the grass, cut back overgrown tree branches or shrubs.
  • Use the garden hose to wash off the condenser unit’s coils. Clean coils are better able to dissipate heat.
  • Arrange for a professional service visit. A qualified service technician will perform a thorough tune-up of the system to detect any potential problems.

Preparing for Hazardous Weather

While you’re away from home, it is possible that severe weather conditions could affect your home and air conditioner. When severe weather arrives, so does the possibility of a power outage or lightning strike that could cause damage to the air conditioning system. Preparing for this possibility could prevent the need for system replacement due to catastrophic damage.

  • If severe weather is likely during your absence from home, consider unplugging the air conditioning system.
  • Remove any items from the yard that could become airborne during high winds. These items could hit the outdoor unit and damge it.
  • Ask a trusted neighbor to check on the system after a severe weather event occurs.

Setting the Thermostat

In preparing for your travels, adjust the thermostat settings to account for the empty house. Raising the temperature up to 85F or higher will reduce utility costs for the period of time that you’re away. The air conditioner will still turn on occasionally so that the home does not become unbearably hot. Keeping the thermostat at a higher temperature also helps protect your home from thieves, as it will still appear as if your family is at home as the air conditioner cycles.

Getting your Wetumpka, AL home’s air conditioner ready for your summertime vacation not only reduces utility costs while you’re away, but it also helps to ensure that there will be no unpleasant surprises when you return from your trip. For more ideas on getting your air conditioner ready for summer weather, call us at AC by Luquire at your earliest convenience.

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