Are Your Pets Impacting Your Indoor Air Quality in Marbury, AL?

Pet Impacting Indoor Air Quality

You love your pet, and you wouldn’t want to live without them. However, your furry friends can be affecting the air quality inside of your Marbury, AL, home. Read on to learn if your pets are impacting your indoor air quality and what you can do to mitigate the problem.

Understanding Pet Dander

Pet dander consists of extremely small particles of skin that’s released into the air alongside each strand of pet hair. These dander particles are extremely small, so they can remain suspended in the air for a long time. In addition, they have very jagged edges that make them highly susceptible to attaching to items throughout your home like furniture and carpeting.

Triggering Pet Allergies

Pet dander is a common allergy that many people suffer from. It produces a variety of symptoms, including irritated eyes, sneezing, runny nose, irritated throat, difficulty breathing and even coughing. If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, it’s necessary to control the pet dander inside of your home.

Using Your HVAC System

When you have your HVAC system running, it’s pulling air from inside of your home and recirculating it. This can cause suspended pet dander in the air to circulate to other rooms of your home. The constant airflow can even kick up pet dander that’s attached to the floor or your furniture.

Filters and Air Purification

The two best ways to remove pet dander from your home are with an air filter and air purification system. Always change your HVAC system’s air filter every month. Having an air purification system installed can help to double up your efforts to significantly reduce the amount of pet dander inside your home.

If you’re ready to schedule HVAC maintenance and have it cleaned by a professional in time for winter, call Air Conditioning by Luquire for assistance. We can also answer all the questions you have about improving your indoor air quality.

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