Is an HVAC Maintenance Plan Worth the Investment?

HVAC Maintenance Tech

An HVAC system is a costly investment that needs regular servicing to remain in good condition. As a homeowner in Montgomery, AL, it’s likely that you want a unit that continues to function for many years to come. Although most systems come with a warranty that will cover you for a little while, HVAC maintenance programs make it worth the cost.

Reduce Your Energy Bills

According to the US Department of Energy, a faulty system can increase your utility bills by 20 to 50%. Therefore, having annual maintenance will address the issues that your HVAC system may have and keep it running efficiently. With this, you’re sure to lower energy costs during the summer and winter.

Prevent Costly Repairs

An unexpected HVAC system failure in the middle of the summer or winter can be dangerous. A maintenance plan allows a service technician to regularly fine-tune your equipment. As a result, you’ll reduce the likelihood of a premature breakdown. Regular HVAC maintenance also allows you to learn about a unit that’s reaching the end of its lifespan. That allows you to budget and save for a new unit.

Extend the Life of Your Equipment

We know the cost of an installation or replacement of an HVAC system. It can put a strain on your finances, especially if it’s sudden. Having a regular HVAC maintenance plan allows your equipment to be regularly cleaned and optimized. As a result, it’ll perform better and for longer. This can add years to the functional lifespan of your unit.

Looking at the many benefits that regular HVAC maintenance brings to you, it’s easier to notice that a maintenance plan is worth your investment. Whether you have a residential or commercial system, Air Conditioning by Luquire has a maintenance plan that will ensure that your equipment is efficiently running all year. Call us today to sign up and save on energy costs.

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