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How Professional HVAC Maintenance Improves Energy Efficiency

HVAC Maintenance

Once again, your utility bill from the city of Montgomery, Alabama, has arrived. Despite your many efforts to cause those numbers to drop, they’re still higher than last month. You may be turning off lights and trying not to rely so heavily on your AC to stay cool. But if you’re not scheduling maintenance for that cooling system, your energy efficiency will never be where you want it. Professional HVAC maintenance builds energy efficiency by taking strain off the unit, resulting in lower utility costs and greater comfort.

What’s Professional HVAC Maintenance?

Think of a professional HVAC maintenance appointment as your system’s regular medical check-up. Over time, your system experiences wear that gradually damages the unit, especially following the winter and summer, when your heating and cooling systems work the hardest. A professional HVAC maintenance appointment ensures that normal wear doesn’t escalate into more expensive damages.

During a professional maintenance appointment, our expert service technicians perform a number of tasks to return your system to peak condition. We’ll inspect your unit for any damaged components and repair them if necessary. But maintenance doesn’t stop with repairs. We want to mitigate the chances of future damage. Therefore, we also:

  • Clean the interior of your unit
  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Calibrate your thermostat
  • And much more

How Does Maintenance Improve Energy Efficiency?

The wear your system experiences does more than reduce its lifespan. The longer your system goes without maintenance, the more its energy efficiency drops. As a result, you pay higher bills to cool your home. Professional maintenance will help your unit run more efficiently.

Our service technicians also understand that energy efficiency is about more than your system’s components. Your habits also play a crucial role in energy efficiency. In addition to conducting repairs and performing other maintenance tasks, our service technicians can help you develop energy-efficient habits that will prevent further issues. As a result, you can lower your energy bills and reduce your risk of repairs.

Professional HVAC maintenance is the key to higher energy efficiency and greater comfort in your home. To schedule your next maintenance appointment, call Air Conditioning by Luquire at 334-230-5870.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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