How Do Boilers Work?

Unlike a furnace, boilers use H2O to heat the home instead of warm air. The two main types of these heating units are hot water and steam. A hot water unit heats the water, and the water is distributed through pipes. A steam unit circulates steam through pipes for heat. Steam units are often found in larger homes or apartment houses, while hot water units are typically used in small to mid-sized homes.

How Do Boilers Create Heat?

Most boilers operate in much the same way. When the water gets hot enough, it is then pumped through the pipes to radiators, baseboards or pipes in the floor where the heat is distributed. The key differences in these heating systems is the type of fuel that they burn. The most common fuel for these heating systems is natural gas. The gas is piped directly to the home from a pipeline that runs under the road or street. In rural areas that don’t have natural gas lines, propane is often used but is more expensive than natural gas. Some consumers in the northeast area use oil, but this fuel is much more expensive than both natural gas and propane gas.

Instead of burning a fuel to create heat, electric versions use power from the main supply to heat elements within the unit. Water passes over the elements for the heating process and is pumped to areas of the home in the same way as other different types of units. The electric units are very safe because they don’t burn any fuel and produce dangerous combustion gasses like carbon monoxide. Since no flue is needed, the electric types can be fitted anywhere. The downside to these units is that the cost of electricity for operation is often high.

Today, these home heating systems come as high as 98 percent AFUE. With electronic ignition, new combustion technologies and sealed combustion units that use outside air to fuel the burner, these units protect the environment by reducing gas emissions and help save energy. You can go green with these units and save money on utility bills.

HVAC Products and Services at Air Conditioning by Luquire in Millbrook, AL

At Air Conditioning by Luquire, we offer state-of-the-art home heating systems, including heat pumps, hybrid systems and furnaces. We carry and install HVAC equipment from major brands that offer excellent warranties. In addition to competitive pricing, we offer savings through rebates from manufacturers. Visit our specials page for more information.

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