Beware of These 4 Common Causes of Winter Allergies

Winter Allergies

Most people associate allergies with the pollens of spring and summer. But there are plenty of causes of winter allergies in Montgomery, Alabama. Read on to learn about four common causes of winter allergies.

Dusty Decor

If you don’t store your decorations properly throughout the year, they can accumulate dust. As a result, you might experience sneezing fits, coughing and runny eyes. Rather than tossing your wreaths and holiday decor in a box where dust can still gather, store them in resealable plastic bags and bins. Doing so will keep them keep them free from dust and prevent respiratory problems when you bring them out next season.

Fresh Plants

While a fir or pine tree may look beautiful in your living room, the scent can often trigger winter allergies. The same holds true for lovely arrangements of poinsettias. Aside from the scent, these plants can also cause allergies if mites, dust or other pollutants are inhabiting them. Rather than buying a fresh Christmas tree or live floral arrangement for your dining room table, opt for artificial.

Candles and Potpourri

While you might love the aroma of pumpkin pie and cinnamon apple, avoid candles and potpourri. The scents produced by these items can be too strong and last too long, thus leading to sinus and respiratory problems. Rather than taking the chance of having an allergy attack, leave the scents to the real deal.

Humidity Levels

While using a humidifier is a great way to ease cold and flu symptoms, it’s important to keep your home’s humidity levels in mind. If your home becomes too humid, there’s a potential for biological growth. This growth can quickly trigger respiratory problems due to winter allergies.

By being aware of what causes winter allergies, you can help avoid any discomfort. Additionally, you can ensure your home has clean air throughout the year by giving Air Conditioning by Luquire a call at 334-230-5870.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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