You Can Still Get Heat From a Ductless System

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Although winters in Montgomery, Alabama, are mild in comparison to other climates around the country, it still gets chilly. You have many options when it comes to heating your home, but one of the most efficient ways is by using a ductless system. With precise comfort, less energy usage and all the benefits of two HVAC sources, a ductless heat pump is great option for heating your home.

Ductless Heat Pumps vs. Other Heating Systems

Traditional heat pumps are efficient at heating your home, because they expend far less energy than a forced air furnace. Powered by electricity, oil or natural gas, furnaces warm air as it passes through the system, using a blower to push the treated air into your home. Furnaces are the least efficient heating system available, but they’re often the standard heat source in older homes.

Heat pumps provide warmth by extracting heat from the outdoor air and pumping it into your home. Even when it’s 40 degrees outside, there’s still warm air, which the outdoor unit pulls out of the cold. Because heat pumps move air instead of creating it, they use far less energy than a furnace.

Ductless heat pumps function similarly to classic heat pumps. They extract warm air from outside and push it into your home. But instead of using an obtrusive and sizeable indoor unit to heat the entire home, they use single units that you can position anywhere in it. The only large piece of equipment is the outdoor compressor, freeing up interior space for decor or other considerations.

Unbeatable Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Another benefit of ductless heat pumps is that they use far less energy than either of the two alternatives. Unlike other HVAC systems, you can set the temperature in each room of your home.

Known as zoning, this process allows you to direct heat right where you want it, instead of heating the entire home at once. The benefit of this feature is that you can have the perfect temperature in occupied rooms while turning the air off in other places. During the holidays, this is even more advantageous, as guests can heat their rooms to their liking.

What to Look for in a Ductless System

Always look for a high Heating Seasonal Performance Factor, or HSPF. The higher this number, the more heating power your ductless heat pump will have and the higher its efficiency. Remember that you don’t need to oversize the unit to get maximum efficiency. Picking a unit that’s too large for your home can cause the system to cycle on and off, costing you money and efficiency as a result.

You should also think about where to place your system, as this can adversely affect its performance. Spacing and positioning make a huge difference in how well your unit brings air into your home. In addition, you should consider the unit’s height. Placing the unit on the ground will make it more susceptible to debris, while a location under an overhang can prevent snow and ice damage, even if the odds of it are minimal in Alabama.

You may also want to equip your outdoor compressor with wind baffles. When excessive amounts of air blow over the coils of the compressor, the unit can under-perform or even fail. These handy devices can limit the amount of wind that blows over the compressor.

With so many benefits for a moderate climate, a ductless heat pump is certainly advantageous for Alabama homeowners. The professionals at Air Conditioning by Luquire can set up your ductless heat pump system with speed, precision and professionalism, so you won’t have to wait forever to get the comfort you desire. Call us today at 334-230-5870 to schedule an appointment.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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