Debunking 5 Common HVAC Myths in Prattville, AL

Happy Family With Good HVAC System

Summer in Prattville, AL, is definitely not for the faint of heart. You owe it to yourself and your family to keep your HVAC system serviced at all times. HVAC maintenance isn’t difficult as long as you take a proactive approach and perform all necessary seasonal maintenance. You should also know the truth behind a few common HVAC myths that continue spreading on social media.

Buy the Most Expensive HVAC System You Can Afford

Nothing’s too good for your family, but there isn’t any real advantage to buying a system that’s too large for your home or has features you don’t need. An oversized unit will constantly cycle on and off, and the subsequent wear and tear can lead to a shorter operational lifespan. When purchase a new HVAC system, seek professional advice to select a unit with the specifications and features that are the right fit for your home.

Close Vents in Unoccupied Rooms

Many of us think that closing intake vents in low-traffic areas saves us money, but it can actually create problems over time. Closed vents increase the overall air pressure throughout the entire house and add unnecessary stress to your ductwork. It’s similar to increasing water pressure by placing your thumb over the spout of your garden hose, and it can eventually lead to new leaks in your ductwork joints.

Your HVAC system creates a limited amount of cool air at a time, and leaks in your ducts will release it into your attic or the spaces between your walls. Additionally, if you have one room in the house that’s warmer than the rest of it, your system will cycle longer in an effort to compensate. It’s a better idea to leave your vents and registers open at all times, and address any drafts around external doors or windows.

Fans Lead to Big Energy Savings

Fans can help you and your family stay more comfortable by circulating the air in a room, but they don’t actually cool the air. There isn’t any benefit to running a fan all day long in an unoccupied room. Enjoy your fans as much as you want, but turn them off when you leave the room. As a result, you’ll save energy.

Thermostat Should Remain at a Constant Temperature

We’ve all learned the hard way that turning down the thermostat doesn’t instantly lower the temperature, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t adjust the temperature throughout the day. The important thing is to make gradual changes and give your HVAC system the time it needs to work.

If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat, it’s an inexpensive investment that can lead to significant energy savings. In addition to adjusting to a lower setting while you’re at work or asleep, you can also program your thermostat to automatically make adjustments throughout the day. Your home will feel as cool as you want on a hot summer day, and you can even program most new thermostats remotely with a smartphone app.

HVAC Maintenance is a DIY Project

No matter how “handy” you might be, there’s simply no substitute for professional HVAC Maintenance. An annual maintenance agreement includes an annual service visit and discounts on HVAC repair and upgrades. During your annual service visit, the service technician can perform preventive maintenance and address minor service issues before they lead to costly repairs.

There are definitely things that you can do on your own, including changing your air filters and keeping your outside unit clean and free of debris. But an annual service agreement is a great way to enjoy true peace of mind all year long.

Air Conditioning by Luquire has been in regular operation since 1983 and can help you with all of your HVAC and plumbing needs. Contact us if you have any questions about scheduling HVAC Maintenance in Prattville, AL.

Image provided by iStock

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